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Topic: State function and state variable  (Read 2159 times)

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State function and state variable
« on: January 07, 2017, 08:11:57 AM »
Is there any difference between state function and state variable? I saw the term 'state variable' in Silbey's Physical Chemistry (4th edition). But it seems the term 'state function' is more commonly used. I believe state variables only refer to those that we can directly manipulate, like pressure, temperature, amount, volume, composition, surface area, E field, B field, gravity, etc. State functions are functions of state variables, like H, U, A, S, G, etc. So a state variable is also a state function, e.g. p is a function of V, T, and n. But H, U, A, S, G are not state variables.
Am I right???

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