1.What constitutes an acid to be a strong oxidiser
2.Does being a strong acid makes it a strong oxidiser.
3. What constitutes an acid to be a strong acid
4.Can we say that strong oxiders cause faster corrosion?
5.Dilute 32% HCl to 1%HCl into 250ml Volumetric Flask (v/v).What is the volume?
Now is the calculation same if we did w/v for the above?
6.Why do we use express w/w ,w/v ,v/v i.e. why do have different expression, what is the difference? here I already know what they stand for but don't know why chemical are expressed in this way. The reason I ask is that different labs are expressing the percentage differently one is expressing as w/v and other is expressing it as w/w, so why the difference.