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Topic: Chemistry exam qn  (Read 6875 times)

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Chemistry exam qn
« on: June 09, 2006, 05:24:14 AM »
these are the few which i dunno where to begin...some help will be much appreciated

1) the reaction below releases 56.6kj of heat at 298k for each mole of NO2 formed at a constant pressure of 1 atm. what is the standard enthalpy of formation of NO2 given the standard enthalpy of NO is 90.4kj mol

2NO + O2 ---> 2NO2

2) a 200g of copper at 100 degrees celsius is dropped into 1000g of water at 25 degrees celsius. what is the final temp of the system?

specific heat of water is 4.18J and copper is 0.400 J

3) if the equilibrium constant for A + B <===> C is 0.123, the equilibrium constant when 2C <===> 2A + 2B is?

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Re: Chemistry exam qn
« Reply #1 on: June 09, 2006, 06:14:12 AM »
these are the few which i dunno where to begin...some help will be much appreciated

1) the reaction below releases 56.6kj of heat at 298k for each mole of NO2 formed at a constant pressure of 1 atm. what is the standard enthalpy of formation of NO2 given the standard enthalpy of NO is 90.4kj mol

2NO + O2 ---> 2NO2

2) a 200g of copper at 100 degrees celsius is dropped into 1000g of water at 25 degrees celsius. what is the final temp of the system?

specific heat of water is 4.18J and copper is 0.400 J

3) if the equilibrium constant for A + B <===> C is 0.123, the equilibrium constant when 2C <===> 2A + 2B is?
1. The reaction realese heat then detalH = - 56.6kj
detalH(o2) =0
==>detalH(react)= 2*detalH(NO2) - 2*detalH(NO)
-56.6 + 2*90.4 = 2*detalH(NO2) ==>

3. a+b -->C  k=[c]/([a])

    2C--> 2a + 2b   k'= ([a]^2*^2)/[c]^2

==> k' = 1/k^2=1/0.123^2 = 66.08

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Re: Chemistry exam qn
« Reply #2 on: June 09, 2006, 11:45:34 AM »
1) the reaction below releases 56.6kj of heat at 298k for each mole of NO2 formed at a constant pressure of 1 atm. what is the standard enthalpy of formation of NO2 given the standard enthalpy of NO is 90.4kj mol

2NO + O2 ---> 2NO2

You can visualise the question in this manner:
1. N2 + O2 -> 2 NO
2. 2NO + O2 -> 2NO2
so total dH from step 1 to 2 is:
dH1 = 2 dHf,NO = 2 mol NO x 90.4kJ/mol NO = 180.6 kJ
dH2 = 2 dHr = 2 mol NO2 x -56.6kJ/mol NO2 = -113.2 kJ
dH = dH1 + dH2

In fact, steps 1 and 2 can be sum up to produce:
N2 + 2O2 -> 2NO2
Hence, dH = 2 x dHf,NO2

dHf,NO2 = dH/2

2) a 200g of copper at 100 degrees celsius is dropped into 1000g of water at 25 degrees celsius. what is the final temp of the system?

specific heat of water is 4.18J and copper is 0.400 J

The final temperature (T) of the water and the copper block must be the same, else heat transfer will not stop. The above problem can be solved by using an energy balance, ie.

heat absorbed by water = heat lost by copper block.
mwaterCpwater(T-Tini,water) = mcopperCpcopperr(Tini,copper - T)
where m is mass, and Cp is the specific heat capacity.

3) if the equilibrium constant for A + B <===> C is 0.123, the equilibrium constant when 2C <===> 2A + 2B is?

1. A + B <===> C
K1 = [ C ] / [ A ] [ B ]

2. 2C <===> 2A + 2B is?
K2 = [ A ]2 [ B ]2 / [ C ]2 = ( [ A ] [ B ] / [ C ] )2 = ( [ C ] / [ A ] [ B ] )-2 = (K1) -2

"Say you're in a [chemical] plant and there's a snake on the floor. What are you going to do? Call a consultant? Get a meeting together to talk about which color is the snake? Employees should do one thing: walk over there and you step on the friggin� snake." - Jean-Pierre Garnier, CEO of Glaxosmithkline, June 2006

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