December 23, 2024, 02:10:19 PM
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Topic: Suggestion for master thesis topic: desalination or nanofiltration?  (Read 2897 times)

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Offline bubblebobble

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Hello! I'm about to start my master degree thesis and two topics were proposed by my prof. I am very undecided and I cannot tell which on I prefer, so I would like to have some of your impressions to help me make a choice.
Topic 1: modelling MED (multi effect desalination). Another student modelled the MSD and my work will be to continue this study and do the MED.
Topic 2: modelling nanofiltration system for dye removal. We have an experiemental PhD thesis about this and my goal will be to produce a model to simulate the experimental results
Both are model based researches. I like them both, but I'll honestly choose the easiest one, because I want to take my degree as soon as possible. I'm also concerned in choosing the one for which a bigger and more complete bibliography exists.
What do you think? Thank you very much in advantage!

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