It's been a while i'm a mature student (nearly 30) returning to uni to re-train and chemistry is not my strong point I have been given these questions as homerwork for Friday and I have sat and gone through them and I am just really looking for a push in the right direction - I need to know the definitive rules for balancing equations here are the 5 questions presented to us. I'm not sure if I should be balancing charges and not only atoms...I'm a little rusty if someone could help my by not only answering but explaining
why that would be appreciated so much! I'm new and hi all and thanks ahead of time!
As I go down the paper the questions get
even harder if these can be helped to be answered and I can understand them I will share the ones which would be as well written in a different language as I really am struggling - Thank you kind people of the chemistry forum.
Questions as follows
Below are unbalanced equations of chemical reactions that are of biogeochemical
relevance. Write the balanced stoichiometric equations, showing the steps you take in
balancing the equations. Identify the reactions that are redox reactions
a) H2S + O2 > SO42- + H+
b) Ca2+ + HCO3 → CaCO3 + H2O + CO2
c) SO42- + CH2O + H+ → H2S + CO2 + H2O
d) CH2O + NO3- + H+ → CO2 + N2 + H2O
e) Mn2+ + O2 + H2O → MnO2 + H+
f) H2 + CO2 → CH4 + H2O
Thanks in advance!
Edit - I have answers for the balanced equations themselves this is marked as a
24 point question for A-F in total - Please someone help me understand.
Edit - Is this higher than highschool I'm unsure? Should I have posted in undergrad? Sorry if wrong section - its beginning of my degree and they said it was end of high school level chemistry
Final Edit - If anyone wants to challenge the stuff I really don't even understand on a basic level that I have been handed out please PM me and i will send through the jargon to you it looks sooooo complicated.. I think ill be a regular around here now anyway atleast for the next 4 years and likely on wards to pass on knowledge that hopefully is passed to me