I didn't resit AS chains and rings, I just did the A2 chains, rings and spectroscopy paper, which was also this afternoon; have you already done it?
3 dissociates in water like this:
3(aq) + H
(l) <--> NH
4+(aq) + OH
-(aq)But, NH
3 is a weak base, so dissociates to a very small extent (eqm. lies far to the left), but the salt completely dissociates to NH
4+ and Cl
-, (OH
- soaks up H
+, NH
4+ soaks up OH
-, but better wording!). This is the same principle as weak acids and their salts.
Its unfortunate you didn't get taught about how weak bases and their salts act as buffers.
I have a feeling most people did badly (or not-so-great!) in both papers, so it should be easier to get the higher grades.