Could you give a bit more information about how you're running the GC? Specifically, how quick is a quick heating method, what is the max operating temperature of the column, and what temperature do you run the inlet at when you do a normal run?
If you aren't doing it already, I would suggest that when you bake the column, to remove it and reinstall it the other way around. That way you aren't just pushing crap that is hard to remove further into the column. It may be too late for that if you've already baked it several times with it installed as is, which may also render my next bit of advice somewhat pointless: you can cut the column from the front end by about 30 cm. That's often where the heavy stuff gets stuck (hence why you would reinstall it the other way around when baking). You will probably need to clean or replace your liner, and your detector after you finish baking it. If that still doesn't fix it, I'm afraid you might have killed it. You can keep trying to flush it out, but you will eventually worsen the quality of your column.