Hi all,
in my drinking water plant we have a reverse osmozis membran unit and then a tank to blend it with raw water, then this mixture is exposed to ozone approximitely at 0,20 ppm. Raw water is 500 μS/cm, purified water is 20 μS/cm, and the final mixture is 50 μS/cm.
Last week i had a lot of complaints about yellow coloured water in bottles, exactly in the same minute. One minute later the bottles are fine. They were filled just in the starting time of the line.
First i thought they may be green algae but after the microbiological analysis, i found out they weren't.
I measured conductivity and pH of both yellow and clear ones, the result was interesting;
Clear water:.. 7,32 pH - 35,1 μS/cm (27,6°C) (blending unit was not operating at that moment)
Yellow water:...10,07 pH - 46,5 μS/cm (28,0°C)
Filtered yellow water: 9,76 pH - 49,2 μS/cm (26,1°C)
When i filtered it through a 0,45 μm membran filter i found a yellowish green residue with fine grain size.
And in the bottle they were distrubited in water in a colloidal state - no sedimentation.
I have added every chemical material that is used in the plant in our water to reach this pH in this conductivity value, but conductivity was always very high at 10 pH.
I am totally confused, what compound it may be to raise the pH to 10 from 7,3 while giving the conductivity a slight increase
And how can it be so sudden while we have a 10 ton buffer tank, but out ozone tank is really small.
Does anyone has any ideas, or got through such an incident