Hi everyone,
I just learned very basic knowledge about substitution, elimination, and addition reactions.
The problem is that I cannot solve any of these practice questions, but I'll just post one to see if I'm missing something(s) fundamental.
Thought process:
1. Eliminate, but E2 or E1?
- regiochemistry: no information in this case since there is only one possibility. correct?
- primary substrate. what does this tell me?
- good leaving group... E1?
- E2 is faster.
- reagent: NaOEt??? wrong!
2. Add H and Cl. H on less substituted to achieve more stable carbocation; markovnikov addition. Thus, reagent: HCl. This part was fine...
How should I think for step 1? The real answer for the reagent is "t-BuOK or NaH" which are both strong bases. However, I believed t-BuOK was a sterically hindered base i.e. favors Hofmann i.e. assumes E2 mechanism. As drawn below, I don't see the possibility for Zaitsev or Hofmann products.
Thank you so so much for your time and feedback.