It's absolutely right that packing spheres to imagine a crystal is only a mental representation. In addition, distances between atoms vary depending on the neighbours, the crystal structure and so on. A consequence is that the atomic radius, which is anyway fuzzy, depends a lot on the convention used to define it.
If you take the example of diamond, silicon and germanium, they all have the diamond crystal structure, but their band diagram is quite different. Spherical atoms wouldn't explain this.
My suggestion is: don't try to stretch this simplistic model beyond its capability. Even if you take atomic radii for Ni and Ti deduced from the densities, you get a very wrong result for NiTi - same for Invar or for bell bronze. So refining it with non-spherical ions would be an exaggeration, to my opinion.
One 2p orbital is not spherical. But 2p6, in your sodium example, fills all three 2p orbitals. I believe (I didn't check) that 2p6 is perfectly spherical - and if not, it's closely spherical. At least for independent electrons, cos2 (angle to 0x) + cos2 (angle to 0y) is independent of the direction in the 0xy plane. In transition elements you might find an incomplete shell, possibly non-spherical, below the valence shell.
2p orbitals are peacock shaped... or not. As long as 2px, 2py and 2pz have exactly the same energy, any linear combination of them is still a stationary solution of old Erwin's linear equation. That is, the linear combination is an orbital, and a 2p one.
Starting arbitrarily from the peacock set of 2p, you could define an other set like
(2px + j*2py)/sqrt(2)
(2py + j*2pz)/sqrt(2)
(2pz + j*2px)/sqrt(2)
which is equally good and is even orthogonal. With other coefficients, you can get ellipsoidal 2p orbitals, maybe less convenient, but valid too, and some sets are orthogonal.
Chemists often use the peacock-shaped 2p set because this one is natural for chemical bonds. But if you study the Zeeman effect, with an external magnetic field, then the doughnut-shaped set of 2p is more convenient.
All sets of 2p are equally valid, none is more fundamental than the others. And if you deduce one from an other by an adequate linear transformation, the shape of the full 2p6 remains the same.