thank you, thank you, thank folks so kind..
next question, ( I think I posted too many questions here, hope none of you will get upset with this..
) 2-hydroxypyridineis usually in keto form, can you explain why? I get confuse because I get it compared with phenol which is mostly in enol form...and I can't find any proper explainations for this 2-hydroxypyridine..anyone can help me??
And then, about morphine isolation's said that morphine solubility is 0.2 g/L but, the solubility of Morphine hydrochloride is 57 g/L. Then it asked how to extract and isolate morphine from opium by using the information stated above??
I really have no idea about this question and all the things that I can think of is to solute all of the opium in the water and add some HCl. after that, use the fractination process and last, we can move the Cl to get morphine from it's water solution...but I need the reaction equation...