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Topic: Publication  (Read 4172 times)

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Offline kriggy

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Re: Publication
« Reply #15 on: January 03, 2019, 03:36:36 AM »
You have 190 samples, do you think running 190 13C NMRs is that easy? Assuming you have nice simple structures and clean samples then its about 190 hrs of instrument time, possibly even more if you have some shitty stuff there (im talking quarternary carbons or low amoount of sample etc...) Thats a lot. If you ask someone (at other uni) to measure those for you then you need to think that they are using their own time to do work for you, they are using their own instrument that could be used for analyzing their own samples.

I understand that you made 190 cpds and it feels like just measuring 13C NMR is not worth the authorship but its actualy quite a lot of work to do. Im in bit similar situation: we put authors on paper and those guys did really small part (X-ray and 3 NMR assignments) but we feel its fair for them to include them because they contributed to the paper.

I think if your compounds are known, then just H NMR could be fine, if they are new then Im afraid its a long shot. If you think your work is good, then I think its worth aiming as high as possible and you wont get there without 13C NMR and HRMS.

btw organic letters demand some kind of "analysis certificate" which is basicaly an excell sheet that you tick in the type of analysis you did for each compound and for some reviewers just looking at it might be a reason to not accept the paper.

Offline rolnor

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Re: Publication
« Reply #16 on: January 03, 2019, 07:08:53 AM »
Thanx for your input.
I am not going to include all compounds i the paper and many are known so it wont be 190 carbon spectra. I think if someone did x-ray I would include them but running NMR is so simple. It is clear to me now that carbon is essential to have so I am now trying to find a cheaper service than my current.

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