So I'm about to take the big ACS combined exam for my first gen chem classes and was hoping I could get a little clarification from someone.
When using the Nernst Equation, specifically when calculating the reaction quotient, do we include the H+ concentration?
Say my balanced equation is: (Cr2O7[2-]) + 14(H) + 6(MnO4[2-]) > 6(MnO4[-]) + 2(Cr[3+]) + 7(H2O)
And I've got ph: 4.50
Would I put a (10^-4.5)^14 in the denominator of the log Q portion of the equation? It seems like that would take my Emeas down to a fraction of what it would be otherwise and that just doesn't seem right to me. Does the fact that the hydrogen will become liquid water mean anything?