hello everybody
I am curious to know that if I bring Cu metal and let it reacts with Cl2 (g) alone. The product is CuCl2(s) right or not? But when i read about Galvanic cell in electrochemistry chapter. Cu(s) + Cl2(g) ---> CuCl2 (s) is redox reaction. It means that electron must be transferred when Cu(s) + Cl2 (g) to form CuCl2 (s) . What is the electron pathway for this reaction?

I must bring CuCl2(s) to dissolve in water first to form CuCl2 (aq). So as my understand:
Cu(s) + Cl2(g) ----> CuCl2(s) is not redox reaction because no electron movement, is it right?
Cu(s) + Cl2(g) -----> CuCl2(aq) is a redox reaction because it generates electron form Cu2+ and pass to Cl-, is it right?
I am new in chemistry, please inform me a right idea
Thank you very much