I stand in the middle confused.
Although the matter of evolution v. creation will never get solved, I will state my opinion. In my Anthropology class I learned very interesting things. First was most of the people that were provening evolution, were creationist, or at least believed in the creator, till they died. They didn't wan't to prove evolution right, so they denied evidence to themselves, or made put it in terms were God was included (if you need me to mention names I will dig up my notes). My Prof. say's that was his main study in graduate school, and I find him to be very knowledgable, and credable.
Evidence is there and I do believe it. However, until scientist can explain the experiences that I have gone through (that I won't mention cause most of you will not believe me because you don't know my credability), the experiences I have seen happen to certain individuals (Pastor's especially), thing's that don't seem to happen for a coincidence; like my friends aunt who could have been killed by the machine she operates at work, malfunctioned and acid splashed all over the area, she happened to be at her mother's funeral, thousand's of miles away. Until scientist can tell me, besides I imagine these things, or my subconcious mind is doing it. If a very good explanation can be given to me, I will claim there is no God to the world!!!
The evidence is there for evoultion, I accept it, but the evidence (for me) for a God is also there. As my Anthoropology Prof. says, "is there anywhere in the Bible that says if you believe in evolution you go to hell!!! NO!!! it says a lot of things, but not that." Were do I stand, in the middle. I can not prove science wrong, and I can not prove there is no God.