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Topic: what is the difference between saturated/unsaturade carbo...among other Q  (Read 6480 times)

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what is the different between saturated and unsaturated carbohydrates?

how is the combustion rate of a polymer decreased by radical scavenging? radical recombination?

radical scavenging:
H* + HBr ---> H2 + Br*
HO* + HBr ---> H2O + Br*

radical recombination:
HO* + Na* ---> NaOH
NaOH + H* ---> H2O + Na*
HO* + H* --catalyst--> H2O

that is the process as explained in the book i just do not understand what is happening....

what is an ester, and a carboxilic acid? what is their difference?

these are all the questions i have to this moment.... :Confuzzled:
currently a student attending high school in South Florida, capital of all the hurricanes that come through the US, and the sunshine state.  My interests falls into electrochemistry going to renewable resources of energy, i like hydrogen fuel cells and solar energy

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Re:what is the difference between saturated/unsaturade carbo...among other Q
« Reply #1 on: December 28, 2005, 02:21:21 PM »
what is the different between saturated and unsaturated carbohydrates?

what is an ester, and a carboxilic acid? what is their difference?

Find the differences ;) I used fats because it is an old project!
« Last Edit: December 28, 2005, 02:22:11 PM by Albert »

Offline Albert

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Re:what is the difference between saturated/unsaturade carbo...among other Q
« Reply #2 on: December 29, 2005, 03:54:22 PM »
Here is an example of an unsatured carbohydrate. However, they are extremely uncommon.

Offline moussa

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difference between carboxilic acid and ester
« Reply #3 on: December 29, 2005, 04:50:40 PM »
carboxilic acid is that formed from the oxidation of : primary,secondary acohols, aldehyde or ketones  with KMNo4 it is of formula CnH2nO2

ester is the result of reacyion between a carboxilic acid and an alcohol where  water is released:
 carboxilic acid + alcohol --> ester + water
earth is larger than a molecule

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