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Topic: failed attempt - making electrolyte - interesting result  (Read 2276 times)

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Offline Blautkak

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failed attempt - making electrolyte - interesting result
« on: August 16, 2019, 07:03:26 AM »
will try to short this down as much as possible because of bad english.

1. don't know chemistry
2. read about electroplating
3. try making electrolyte from iron in office
4. put water in glass, put 4 AA(1,5v) batteries togheter
5. put two wallpaper knifes in glass, conect the batteries
6. waitet two hours, water turned brown, anode(-) bubling, catode(+)looks like its rusting
7. mix in some table some salt (rocksalt i think)
8. brown stuff collect on surface, rest of liquid becomes clear
9. green/blue stream of liquid streams from (+) to bottom of glass.
10. waited some time, green/blue stuff looks more solid (+) is covered in a thick layer of green/blue (looks like algea)
11. shakes of "algea" from blade, keeps togheter in pieces.

so my question is, what is all this, was it rust that was formed first? what happened next?
can someone explain it to me, but please dumb down the terms a little, but gonna start reading about chemistry soon because of this :D

Update: when I cut of the power, the brown stuff fell to the bottom. giving me a hunch it leads electricity, iron oxide?
« Last Edit: August 16, 2019, 08:11:23 AM by Blautkak »

Offline chenbeier

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Re: failed attempt - making electrolyte - interesting result
« Reply #1 on: August 16, 2019, 03:30:51 PM »
During the electrolysis on anode side the iron and other metals will get in solution. On cathods side hydrogen gas and hydroxide will developed. The hydroxide will react with the metal ions and precipitate of ironhydroxide (brown) and nickel and chromium (blue, green, grey).

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