Apologies if this is asked frequently, but I feel maybe my issues with this course are unique enough to warrant their own post.
The usual advice that I've heard is to do as many practice problems as possible, understand reactions rather than rely strictly on rote memorization, etc. My issue, however, is finding the time to devote specifically to practice problems after spending what can be 8+ hours studying for a single chapter to establish base knowledge for these problems in the first place. This time also includes time needed to make flashcards for all major reactions along with their mechanisms.
Be plain, is this normal or am I just really, really slow? I'll admit I have some trouble concentrating when studying but not enough to justify this on its own in my opinion. I'm a pretty concept oriented learner and am not at all a fan of all the reactions I have to memorize so I like to be thorough taking these notes, making sure to stop each time I'm unsure about a mechanism or the properties of a functional group and so on. Should I maybe be a little less thorough to get to actual practice problems and memorize and understand reactions that way.
I've never tried this learn-by-doing approach to studying and learning material first, not second but I just spend so much time seemingly getting no where when it comes to practice and am willing to try anything at this point. Would this be an effective way to learn the base material? Maybe also skip my note card regimen?
TL;DR What did a typical week of studying for Orgo look like for you guys, specifically on learning the material for the first time since no one seems to mention that bit when talking about how to study? It's taking too much of my time.