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Sorry mate, I tried to post it in both the organic and inorganic forums as I am unsure which category it falls under.
As for discussing drug
With all due respect, I don’t understand why your accusing me of this.
I’m not trying to discuss drug procedures.
I’m just trying to identify what this substance is, I’m not asking for any info on synthesis or anything of the sort, I’m just asking if anyone can help me identify this substance.
I’m using this task more as a way to get a bit more of an understanding on chemistry. as I learn best by actually trying to do things, rather than in theory, don’t ask why it’s just how my brain works, always has.
I’m taking this seriously as well, I understand how dangerous it can be. If I am thinking about doing a specific reaction or whatever the case may be I will do as much research as possible about it Before going through with it and will not proceed with anything unless I am confident I properly understand what it is I am doing.
And as for the other bloke about me being incoherent, can you please explain as I don’t think I fully understand what you mean, if I have made any mistakes please do correct me like I said in the post, I’m fairly new to all of this however I consider myself to be pretty switched on and a quick learner so don’t worry about it falling on def ears, as for the shellite, I meant to say Naphta, where I’m from it’s called shellite,
Thank you for taking your time to read this