hello dear members,
I am trying to make Zinc Hyrdoxide by electrolysis with Sodium bicarbonate with zinc rods in distilled water first and then I want to make zinc citrate by mixing zinc hyrdoxide and citric acid mixed with water.
I found that if I do electrolysis of sodium carbonate water and zinc anode, then I will get zinc hydroxide, and if i heat it up then I will get zinc oxide, here I do not understand, where go collect zinc hydroxide during electrolysis? is it the water which will become zinc hydroxide or it will just collect elsewhere?
Can you please tell me if this is correct procedure to make zinc citrate. If yes, then do I need boil the mixture of zinc hydroxide and citric acid to get zinc citrate? My goal is to consume small quantity of zinc citrate because I cant buy it now
I tried to google but couldn't find much help on either making zinc hyrdoxide and zinc citrate.
I do not have zinc salt to make zinc hydroxide that way.
You replies are appreciated. Thank you very much.