Hello dear forum,
to be honest i am a electronic guy and my chemical skills aren't even enough to know in which sub forum my question should be in.
I am not sure for what to google. So maybe my question is answered already a 1000 times. Please be nice to me
Problem:I am building a floating peer from empty water bottles. But as deeper the bottles go into the water as more compressed they get and loose buoyancy. Also waves will compress them in time as well nobody wants to hear the crackle sound when they deform all the time.
Solution:Put pressure inside the bottles. I thought about several methods already:
1. before closing the bottles, put them in ice cold water for a few seconds. Result: works great, but i prefer to have higher pressure inside.
2. Put a small portion dry ice inside. Result: Would be perfect i guess. But I live on Sumatra in the jungle. Dry ice is way to far away.
3. Let a small fire cracker explode inside after the cap is closed. -> Still looking for firecrackers to try it. Sounds funny. But can work right?
Now i started thinking about baking soda and vinegar or any other house hold ingredient. Fermentation? But my knowledge is almost zero about these things. There will be thousands of bottles. So it should not be too expensive. And of course efficient.
So a small amount should lead to a big volume of gas.I should get most common chemicals cheap online. Sooo. Give me something to try and i will do