Dear Scholars,
I am working in a Gaussian 09 in Linux operating system. I am using Santos-5. I am trying to find the TS-structure using QST2 protocol. The reactant and Product structures were fully optimized. The order of the atoms in reactant and product structures were same. After submitting the job almost immediately I received an error message as follows:
Old curvilinear step not converged, using linear step:
SCX= 3.31D+01 DXMaxT= 2.16-318 SCLim= 0.00D+00 Fact= 0.00D+00
RedCar/ORedCr failed for GTrans.
Error termination via Lnk1e in /home/adhikary/g09/l101.exe
For better understanding, the part of input and output is given here as an attachment. I am expecting your kind suggestions and help.
With kind regards,
Keshab K. Adhikary