I am getting confused as how to calculate molarity in a lab experiment performed in class.
We had to determine the concentration of solids, reported as NaCl, in a sample of seawater by:
determine density and mass of a sample of seawater. we boiled the seawater to dryness and measured the mass of the residual solids. from the data we had to calculate the % by mass, M, and m of the seawater sample.
i managed to calculate % by mass (3.12%) and the molality, but am confused as how to calculate M.
to calculate m i assumed a 1000g solution which would then be composed of 31.2 grams of NaCl and 1000-31.2 grams (968.8 g) H2O. Therefore molality would equal 31g/.9688 kg = 32 g NaCl/Kg H20 = 32/58.44 = .55 m
To calculate molarity: I said density = mass/voulme; mass (solution) = 1.020g/ml x 1000ml = 1020 g
since % by mass of NaCl is 3.12%, in 1000ml the mass = (1020 x 3.12)/(100) = 31.82g NaCl.
therefore the moles of NaCl in 1 liter of solution is 31.82/58.44 = .54 M= .54
Is my answer for M correct?
Many Thanks