Actually, ATRP is a FRP method. And 60 C is fine for either conventional radical polymerization or ATRP. Also, the catalyst is just CuBr/PMDETA, not Cu2Br2/PMDETA2.
Sorry for being so picky, but it might make things more clear for our friend with the original question.
To address the original problem, I'm not sure I understand your attempted isolation. PBA, PS, copolymers of the two, and the two monomers are all completely soluble in toluene. So, there will be no precipitation when the polymerization solution is mixed with toluene. Your better bet is to try to precipitate into cold methanol. PS precipitates nicely in MeOH, but due to its low Tg, PBA generally does not. Perhaps your copolymer composition will contain enough PS to facilitate a nice precipitation.