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Topic: Calculating volume of acid needed to create a solution of a specific pH  (Read 1011 times)

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Offline idunno289

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How do you calculate how much of an acidic solution, of a known percentage by weight, you need to create a solution of a desired pH, at a certain volume?

For example, how much muriatic acid (HCl 31.45% by weight) do you need to create 5 gallons (18.93L) of an acidic solution of pH 4?

I don't know which equations to use or where to even start.

Offline chenbeier

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Re: Calculating volume of acid needed to create a solution of a specific pH
« Reply #1 on: December 10, 2020, 03:50:52 PM »
1. Calculate the concentration in mol of H+  at pH in 1 l solution.
2. Calculate the amount for the 18.93 l
3. This concentration refairs to the HCl.
4. Calculate the mass of HCl.
5. Convert this to the 31.45%.
6. For the volume you need the specific gravity.

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