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Topic: Confused about naming  (Read 1379 times)

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Offline Icebear2020

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Confused about naming
« on: December 26, 2020, 06:25:36 PM »
I started studying organic chemistry and now doing exercise questions for nomenclature.
Now I'm stuck with this question for 2 hours.
Carboxylic acid will be the suffix here.
At the other end, there is primary amide.
But the name for this is 5-amino-5oxopentanoic acid not 5-carbamoylpentanoic acid.
Why is amide sperated as amine and ketone here?
I tried to find if there was a rule about it but I couldn't find any information :/
Can someone explain it please?

Offline AWK

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Re: Confused about naming
« Reply #1 on: December 26, 2020, 07:45:19 PM »
This name is made up as if the compound were a monocarboxylic acid. Officially, IUPAC allows the names glutaramic acid (Rule C-431.1) and 4-carbamoylbutanoic acid (Rule C-431.4) as synonyms.

Offline Icebear2020

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Re: Confused about naming
« Reply #2 on: December 26, 2020, 10:26:19 PM »
This name is made up as if the compound were a monocarboxylic acid. Officially, IUPAC allows the names glutaramic acid (Rule C-431.1) and 4-carbamoylbutanoic acid (Rule C-431.4) as synonyms.

I really appreciate your answer. Thank you!
So is it okay to state amide separately as ketone and amine when it is not the priority functional group?

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