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Topic: Lewis dot structure of [itex]SO_3[/itex] and Redox reaction question  (Read 1316 times)

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Offline Win,odd Dhamnekar

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 1] Is following Lewis dot structure of SO3 wrong? If wrong, why? please explain.

2] Chlorine is used to purify drinking water. Excess of chlorine is harmful. The excess of chlorine is removed by treating with sulphur dioxide. Present a balanced equation for this redox change taking place in water.
 The given redox reaction can be represented as:
Cl2(s) +SO2(aq) + H2O(l)  :rarrow: Cl-(aq) + SO42-

Now in the above reaction, if we show on the product side SO3 and balance this  redox reaction, is that correct, useful and practical?

If we use SO3 on the product side of the above-mentioned redox reaction, the net reaction would be as follows:
Cl2(s) + SO2(aq) +H2O(l) :rarrow: 2Cl-(aq) + SO3(aq) +2H+

« Last Edit: January 22, 2021, 10:20:29 AM by Win,odd Dhamnekar »
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Offline Win,odd Dhamnekar

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Re: Lewis dot structure of [itex]SO_3[/itex] and Redox reaction question
« Reply #1 on: January 23, 2021, 04:38:22 AM »
1] Is following Lewis dot structure of SO3 wrong? If wrong, why? please explain.

2] Chlorine is used to purify drinking water. Excess of chlorine is harmful. The excess of chlorine is removed by treating with sulphur dioxide. Present a balanced equation for this redox change taking place in water.
 The given redox reaction can be represented as:
Cl2(s) +SO2(aq) + H2O(l)  :rarrow: Cl-(aq) + SO42-

Now in the above reaction, if we show on the product side SO3 and balance this  redox reaction, is that correct, useful and practical?

If we use SO3 on the product side of the above-mentioned redox reaction, the net reaction would be as follows:
Cl2(s) + SO2(aq) +H2O(l) :rarrow: 2Cl-(aq) + SO3(aq) +2H+

 If there is SO42- on the product side of the unbalanced redox equation, then the net reaction would be as follows:
Cl2(s) + SO2(aq) +2H2O(l)  :rarrow: 2Cl-(aq) + SO42-(aq) +4H+

Are both reactions practical?
Any science consists of the following process.
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5) Think 6) Understand 7) Inference 8) take decision [Believe or disbelieve, useful or useless, healthy or unhealthy, cause or effect, favorable or unfavorable, practical or theoretical, practically possible or practically impossible, true or false or  any other required criteria]

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Re: Lewis dot structure of [itex]SO_3[/itex] and Redox reaction question
« Reply #2 on: January 23, 2021, 05:30:26 AM »
SO3 (aq) is nonsense. You go back to the time when acid anhydrides were considered acids, about 200 years ago.
When asked about your reaction

Cl2(s) + SO2(aq) +2H2O(l)  :rarrow: 2Cl-(aq) + SO42-(aq) +4H+
you answered yourself earlier - purification of drinking water.

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