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Topic: Combustion analysis  (Read 1082 times)

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Offline Win,odd Dhamnekar

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Combustion analysis
« on: June 10, 2021, 01:03:40 AM »
This question presents analytical data from which you are required to determine mass % composition for a compound of up to four elements.

A sample of a compound containing C,H,S and Br is subjected to combustion analysis to determine the quantities of C and H present. Using a second sample, the S is analyzed by converting it to BaSO4. The results of the analysis are shown below.

Sample 1 Mass:2.036 ⇒ CO2 Mass:3.703 ; H2O Mass:1.526

Sample 2 Mass:3.694 ⇒ BaSO4:3.236

My answer:

Mass of C=Mass of CO2*12/44
% C=1.010/2.036*100=49.61%

Mass of H=Mass of H2O*2/18
% H=0.1696/2.036*100=8.330%

The next element is determined similarly, using the second sample.
Mass of S=Mass of BaSO4*32.06/233.6
% S=0.4433/3.694*100=12.00%

The final element is obtained by difference.
« Last Edit: June 10, 2021, 01:26:39 AM by Win,odd Dhamnekar »
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