I dont' undertand one thing....I'll try to explain:
I've studied that in a silica capillary electrophoresis usually both the positive and negative charged ions move towards the catode (-)
This is due to the electroosmotic flow that forces also the anions to flow towards the "negative" electrode.
Now I know that this electroosmotic flow is due to the presence of the capillary....
So my question is what separation should I get - for a positive and negative sample charged - when I carry out the electrophoresis on a support, like a ""cellulose acetate paper"".
Here I don't have a capillary so I shouldn't have the electrosmotic flow that force the anion to move towards the catode
In this case :
the cations will move toward the catode (-)
the anode will move toward the anode (+)
the neutral species will not move
Can have it sense???
in the separation of serum proteins using a cellulose acetate paper seems that all the proteins move towards the catode...so it seems that there is also in this case an electroosmotic flow that moves all the species in the same direction
also when I use a "sheet paper"?