@Homeslice How much HCl - you can calculate from the reaction equation.
If you don't want to calculate - add HCl until pH will drop to about 3 - 5 (you need to have some indicator).
How to separate - pour out water above the acid and let the acid to dry.
Thank you Orcio_Dojek!!!
What "reaction equation" might you be referring to? Sorry again, this is all new to me, no chemistry background.
And I certainly have a PH meter, can add HCl until the PH gets to 3ish or so. But when you say "pour out water above the acid and let the acid to dry", let's see, seems to me there might be 4 things in the mix:
1. Free fatty acids
2. Water
3. Whatever happened with the Cl from the HCl and the Na (or K) that was joined with the fatty acids previously
4. Any HCl that was in excess of that was required and which is thus still HCl.
So when you say pour out water above the acid and let the acid to dry, how to the above 4 things (if I am right) fit into that?
Thanks so much!!!