March 06, 2025, 09:37:33 PM
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Topic: Calculate the number of atoms in 21 liters of Helium at 1.15 atms and 0°C  (Read 1603 times)

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Offline Tgx

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I know that 1 mole of gas at 0°C and 1 atm has a volume of 22.4 liters. So first, I'll convert the 21 liters of Helium at 1.15 atmospheres to x liters of Helium at 1 atm. For this, I will use the expression:
So, at 1 atm, we have 24.15 liters of gas. We can use a comparison:
Where n is the number of atoms for 24.15 liters of gas and Na is the number of atoms for one mole (22.4 liters) of gas.

Is this correct? Thank you in advance.

Offline Borek

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OK, but a bit overcomplicated. Just plug the numbers into pV=nRT, find number of moles and you are done.
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Offline billnotgatez

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OK, but a bit overcomplicated. Just plug the numbers into pV=nRT, find number of moles and you are done.

Does that mean that the value for R has to be provided, looked up, or memorized (with proper units).
I guess we can assume the student knows the conversion from kelvin to Celsius.

I do note that the OP has already known
  the relationship of volume and moles at 0 C and 1 atm
  the relationship of moles and  atoms of helium.

Offline Borek

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Does that mean that the value for R has to be provided, looked up, or memorized (with proper units).

Yes, but this is one of a few universal constants that are used so often they are worth memorizing (and let's not forget that remembering R is much more universal than remembering volume of 1 mole of gas at STP :) ).
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