Details about the wood power plant I suggest to replace the nuclear power plant at Hanhikivi, Finland.
1200MWe is a peak power. The mean power is 3/4 of that, or 900MWe. So the spare forest growth can feed two 1200MWe equivalents.
Finland covers 338 455 km2 and the forest growth is 108×106m3/year, that's 319m3/km2/year. 23% of the growth is unused, so 50% of the growth around a power plant can serve to it, if it's located away from other big forest users.
1200MWe peak shall come from 20 plants of 60MWe peak each, or mean 45MWe, or mean 113MWth. At 6GJ/m3, a plant consumes 68m3/h = 1620m3/day = 810t/day = 592 000 m3/year. If an easily manoeuvred truck carries 25t wood, 33 deliveries a day suffice. No need for a railway. Best feed the trucks with processed turpentine or electricity.
3700km2 feed a plant, that's only 34km radius, so a truck can make one rotation in 2h, and at 8h/day, just 9 trucks suffice.
Are fewer bigger power plants even cheaper? Is 40% efficiency needed? For comparison: a 1600MWe EPR costs 12G€, a 1200MWe VVER maybe 4G€.
Filters to catch the fumes are standard at German coal-fired plants and would fit nicely here. The fumes and ashes are a fertilizer that can be brought to the forest by the same trucks or sold domestically and abroad if worth it.