I just took what was supposed to be IR/MS/H-NMR/C-NMR as a 400 level class in my undergrad, and the teacher was nice enough not to fail me but I should have failed because I did not get the H or especially the C NMR very well at all and now I am trying to figure out what software some colleges use to do this homework online as I have seen it before on chegg, so unless they just got rid of it in the past few years it should still be out here. Will I be able to access it? I don't know but the first step is what is the name of the software?
I know I have a spec book that has 'practice problems' but they are very hard to see so i don't know why they bothered. I REALLY want to get into medicinal chemistry and I know that NMR/COSY/gCOSY/HMQC/NOSEY are required skills, but I need a better foundation of those skills before I can move to 2/3D representations of the signal.
Any one know of any program/publisher that has one that I should talk to to see if I can buy their software to help me learn?