Those are not so easy to distinguish by simple 1H NMR. The 1,2,3 substituted vs the 1,2,5 - the major differences are the couplings - for 1,2,3 the H in the middle should couple to both adjacent H's and be a double of doublets - but the coupling constants are the same (more or less) so it may look like a triplet. The other two H's couple to the middle one and then weakly to the other - look like doublets of doublets. The 1,2,5 has two H3 and H4 ortho to each other and H6 is para to H3 and meta to H4. H4 should be a real doublet of doublets. H3 and H6 simple doublets - with different coupling constants. (ortho coupling larger than meta, para effectively 0)
The resolution on your NMR is not enough for me to tell here. - but you can probably see it.