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Topic: Fun political test  (Read 18762 times)

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Fun political test
« on: October 12, 2004, 03:23:13 PM »
Wasn't too sure where to stick this thread at, but "generic" sounds good. I found this political test which is more comprehensive than "republic" or "democrat", and I think its fun! I'm curious as to what you guys score on this thing. Somehow, I ended up as a Libertarian and associated with Thomas Jefferson, or at least thats what the guy looked like.

Anyhoo, the link is:

Limpet Chicken

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Re:Fun political test
« Reply #1 on: October 12, 2004, 10:37:40 PM »
I  took the test, and came up as a moderate socialist, yeah right my ARSE I am!
I have quite a unique philosophy that just does not fit the quiz.

Key policies under my rule, which would be worldwide in scale, and absolute in power:

1) People working to produce the same produce and industry as today, to be equally distributed among the people, up to a certain amount, every person not counted as undesirables to have food, means of transport, and basic utilities, water, gas and electricity provided for free.

2) Unsustainable tropical logging/deforestation to cease, tropical hardwoods to be mass grown.

3) An intensive energy-saving programme to start, consisting of worldwide banks of solar panels on houses where the climate is suitable, and hydroelectric and wind powerplants wherever possible without damaging the environment.

4) Mandatory screening of all embryos at an early stage, genetic defects mandatorily eliminated at very early embryo stage.

5) All recreational and psychadelic drugs legalised, and available at regulated outlets with true facts, safety information, technical information and guaranteed purity for all drugs. Limited amounts to be sold at any one time.  

The following to be freely sold: cannabis derivatives other than THC-V, opium and nonsynthetic opiate derivatives, ketamine and analogues thereof, PCP and analogues, amphetamine and derivatives therof other than methyl, ethyl, and propyl monosubstituted analogues, BZP, N2O tanks with proper oxygen supplies, common tryptmines such as LSD, psilocybin/psilocin and alkylated tryptamines, a similar situation with common phenylethylamines such as MDXX analogues with the more exotic research chemicals available by custom manufacture. Amount sold not to exceed fifty grams of amphetamine, BZP or ketamine, ten grams of opiates or PCP, 5 grams of MDXX veriants, a single gram of research chemicals other than those with very low potency requiring possible doses of over 100 mg in whive case 5 grams limit per sale, 200 mg of LSD, and unlimited quantities of cannabis and N2O.

The very potent synthetic opiates such as fentanyl and analogues, the monoalkylated amphetamines ethyl, methyl and propyl, cocaine and cocaine freebase or analogues, and the halogenated amphetamines DOF DOC DOB DOI to be more tightly regulated with an amount of 10 grams coke or meth, 2 grams DOx and 5 pre-measured dosage units of fentanyl or analogues.

6) the permanently vegatative to be eliminated, future embryo screening would eliminate future cases not caused by disease in life.

7) In-fighting to be suppressed militarily if nescessary.

8) Death penalty abolished.

9) Religion permitted, but all believers must be warned of the risk, and properly liscenced and accounted for. Unliscenced possession of a religious textbook to be punished by 5 years in jail for religions judged particularly harmful, 2 years for others. Islam to be eliminated and possesion of a koran to be made a criminal offense.

10) An efficient police force, yet able to use common sense during trial and arrest, no mandatory minimum sentances.

11) All members of society freely permitted to carry non-concealable edged, nonlethal ranged incapacitants or blunt weapons, concealable knives, and ranged lethal weapons being prohibited for public carriage. Easily viewed arms such as swords, polearms and quarterstaffs to be legalised for personal protection.

If weapons such as this were to be legalised, yet projectile and concealable weapons remaining criminalised, then I believe a great deal of muggings and streetcrime would cease to exist, how many teenage thugs would attack someone in the street, even if they could carry a baseball bat etc. if the granny they were about to rob was quite likely to be carrying a pair of katanas and to know full well how to use them ;D

12) All legitimate scientific endeavour to recieve government subsidies and work intensiveness increased greatly, likewise with the space exploration program.

Basically, the world to be taken and held by military force if nescessery, yet the world to be united under one leader and to work as one efficient organism, although under absolute rule, this rule to be mostly benign in nature and beneficial to the global society, the reason for forcible takeover, is that there are too many vested interests, corrupt beureaucrats, and most of all, to many BLIND STUPID AND PATHETIC excuses for human beings around for this ever to happen peaceably >:(


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Re:Fun political test
« Reply #2 on: October 12, 2004, 11:55:39 PM »
I took the test and came up as both an economic and social liberalist. Although Limpet Chicken has some reasonable views as to the way the world should run, some are just plain scary and show clear prejudices.

1) This sound very much like communism and we already know that can't work in the real world because people are too tempted by corruption

3) If we dammed all of the rivers to produce hydro power this would be an environmental disaster!

4)Gataca? Big brother eat your heart out!

5) Why would any sane person allow access to addictive and sometimes highly dangerous drugs? This is just asking for trouble. If you think this "service" wouldn't be abused you are one of the BLIND AND STUPID people you described below!

9) Why just eliminate Islam? Why not eliminate ALL religions, they are all as bad as each other! Why has Islam been singled out?

Who would lead this world of yours? Someone from Britain? USA? Perhaps someone from North Korea would do nicely!
Your world seems like Big Brother on drugs!

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Re:Fun political test
« Reply #3 on: October 13, 2004, 12:21:49 AM »
Limpet, out of curiosity have you ever read 1984?

Limpet Chicken

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Re:Fun political test
« Reply #4 on: October 13, 2004, 11:51:33 AM »
That is a good point actually, about islam in particular, perhaps that should be expanded to include all religions, it just seems like some, for instance buddhism, are although false and disgusting, somewhat less millitant and actively dangerous.

Yeah, I read 1984, I found it quite a good point, orwell could never have predicted just how close he came, with todays excuse for society >:(

As for damming of rivers, I did say, only when feasible without damaging the environment, the point was, to create renewable power sources WITHOUT causing environmental damage.

I think, the ,mandatory destruction of genetically deficient embryos at a VERY early stage, before it becoses a human life would be most beneficial to society, the resultant humans often have a poorer quality of life, and require extensive and ongoing treatemt that costs money. Also, for incurable ilnesses guaranteed to prove fatal, or produce ongoing irreversible deterioration or suffering, then there should be a VOLUNTARY termination service for those that either do not wish to continue living, or that do not wish to burden society, however with no pressure or encouragement to do so, merely making the service available and the knowledge of its existence known freely.

The unauthorised SUPPLY of drugs would remain criminal, and other than cannabis derivatives would be highly restricted, home growing would of course be allowed up to a limited number, say 20 female plants. The supplies would be regulated, with only a limited amount of any drug other than the herb available as an allowance for putrchase for a set period.

Treatment for those unfortunate people that couldnt control use would e freely available, and without social stigma.

Have a look at the DEA, police drug squads etc. they are fighting a futile and utterly pointless war, based upon lies and deceit, can't anyone see, they don't give a rats ass about "protecting" people from themselves, if they did, they would also ban risky sports such as football, any cleaning chemicals that could hurt a person etc.

Have you noticed? the DEA doesn't WANT to win the WOD, if it did, it would effectively become a pointless organization, and many many jobs would be lost, the DEA exists now solely to continue its own existence and collect revenue, the WOD is too lucrative for LE to ever be fought to win, and they don't care how many innocent people and their families they hurt, how many lives they destroy, how many innocents shot so long as they continue to make their filthy money >:(

They havent banned alcohol, or tobacco, due to the profits in tax etc. the reason they banned drugs is that they don't collect any revenue from unregulated street sales. Take cannabis,  do you EVER, in all the thousands of years ever get anybody die of THC toxicity? NO! you don't, I seem to recall reading a single report of an exceptional allergic reaction resulting in death from the use of 4 oz+ of resin, but compared to the 50,000+ deaths or so from alcohol, and more from tobacco, I believe people should be able to look at the risks themselves, it is their own choice what they put into their body with their own consent.

Was not opium used socially in china for a long period of time without any more harmful effects than responsible alhohol use, that is addictive certainly, but it is primarily the social , economic, and cultural standards surrounding drug use, that determine how likely they are to cause harm, don't forget, a large degree of organised crime would cease to exist if drugs were legally controlled, yet freely available without threat of dirty needles, getting mugged by dealers, shady deals for cut drugs, and the threat of being beaten and arrested by law enforcement.

As for who would perform the duty of being in power, that would be me ;D
« Last Edit: October 13, 2004, 11:53:57 AM by Limpet Chicken »


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Re:Fun political test
« Reply #5 on: October 13, 2004, 01:24:08 PM »
Sounds a lot like a new world order to me. Not too sure how I got libertarian for mine, probably because of my views on economy. If I had my way with the world, there wouldn't be a big world conglomerate. Why? Because it will never work, there is too much nationalism to allow that to happen. Instead, I'm for a world free market, as in no regulation or tariffs. Free market and capitilism have been shown to work better as opposed to heavy socialist models. Religion on the other hand, I find very dangerous. Its all well and good to have your beliefs (you have yours, I have mine), but to impose them on others can lead to wars. Many wars have been fought on the pretext of religious differences alone. Islam is no more dangerous than all the models of Christianity, look at the crusades for instance. Any religion can become dangerous when in the hands of zealots and fanatics. Everything in moderation.

As far as the socialistic aspects of things, I think there should be a bare minimum safety net but not that much of one. My family has benefited from it when tragedy hit us, but we bounced back. Too many people rely on government handouts, so in my perfect world, those handouts would have serious restrictions on it. All comes down to discipline to do what you need to do. Might not seem fair to everyone, but all around fairness is a utopian goal that I don't think will ever be reached. I don't think it should be a government's job to play favorites with any particular demographic, have a blanket clause for everyone for when s#@! hits the fan, because it does sometimes, but pretty much let everyone make a life for themselves.

Wow, that simple little test spawned a bit more than I intended  ;D

Limpet Chicken

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Re:Fun political test
« Reply #6 on: October 13, 2004, 03:14:54 PM »
I came up too close to a bush supporter for my liking :(
I am nothing like bush, he is a knob and deserves to die a messy and unpleasant death by torture going on for many years.

The ideal government, would be my idea of a global socialist, green benign despotism, ruled over by myself ;)

I know, corvettaholic, you raise an army, and lets see how if fares against mine, its pretty small at the moment but rapidly growing :)
and if my projects into energy weapons and walking urban warfare vehicles comes to much, you better recruit a lot of people quick ;D

All hail the nihilistic new world order! that is another unneringly accurate guess by corvettaholic :o
« Last Edit: October 13, 2004, 03:19:18 PM by Limpet Chicken »


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Re:Fun political test
« Reply #7 on: October 13, 2004, 03:19:37 PM »
Ah, but in a capitalistic setting, efficiency is pretty high because it results in making more money. People take a closer interest into what they're doing, because the effect on themselves is much more direct. Besides, I'm into energy weapons and platforms of death too! All I have to do is put up a multi-million dollar contract to develop a cool weapon, and I'm sure some bidder will come up with it real quick. Socialism is different than communism, sure, but the two have some fairly solid links to each other. We all saw what happened with communism. Some say look at China, but they're not truly communist because they give citizens the choice to go the communist path, or take a chance and work in the private sector.

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Re:Fun political test
« Reply #8 on: October 13, 2004, 03:25:31 PM »
Here is a test with less questions and cartoons. :P
Most Common Suggestions I Make on the Forums.
1. Start by writing a balanced chemical equation.
2. Don't confuse thermodynamic stability with chemical reactivity.
3. Forum Supports LaTex

Limpet Chicken

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Re:Fun political test
« Reply #9 on: October 13, 2004, 03:25:54 PM »
I aint no commie :o ;D :P

Capitalism blows goats, capitalism leads to vast corporations, vast corporations lead to corruption, and macdonalds resteraunts that serve whole homogenized ground cow,  and call it beef ;D


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Re:Fun political test
« Reply #10 on: October 13, 2004, 03:32:03 PM »
Mitch, this is me: <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0"></a>

Are corporations such a bad thing though? Corruption doesn't lie with the concept of a corporation, it lies with the people who run. Power corrupts, with the exception of a few people. However, in the interest of more dollars, many corporations are run fairly efficiently and innovation is stimulated if only for the reason of making more money. There of course exceptions to this, but as a general rule this is what I believe. I will be starting my own (small) corporation at the beginning of 2005, and I hope to make it a massive empire. What am I going to do with craploads of money? Fund private space programs. Overall though, I think corporations are a necessary evil, because I don't see a better alternative... and its pretty much the result of human nature.

Oh, and McDonalds does kind of suck. I don't like their burgers.

Limpet Chicken

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Re:Fun political test
« Reply #11 on: October 13, 2004, 04:06:59 PM »
I LOVE those cheeseburgers, i just don't like what goes into them, I will eat 4 or 5 at a time though ;D

I had a revolting experience when I was young, I bit into a chickenrefuse mcnugget, and found the top half of a beak underneath the batter coating :-X

I saw a documentary on those nuggets, and it showed all the chicken skin being pulped up for the filling, and the workers scraping bits of mix up off the floor and off their boots and throwing it back into the manufacturing process again :o

Isn't it strange, how discussions change in the most unexpected ways, who would have thought you could go from a political rant on world domination to chicken beaks and macdonalds pseudo-food ;D


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Re:Fun political test
« Reply #12 on: October 13, 2004, 05:48:18 PM »
Have you had anything they make with egg in it? I think the "egg stuff" they use is nasty! Its worse than army eggs. Reminds me of jellied mayonaise. Doesn't taste good either. "Food" shouldn't look, smell, feel, or taste like that.

Their hash browns aren't half bad though, and their coffee is better than army coffee.

Limpet Chicken

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Re:Fun political test
« Reply #13 on: October 13, 2004, 06:50:32 PM »
The ONLY things I will let pass my lips (or any other part of me)  are cheeseburgers with no relish, hamburgers, the drinks, fries and desserts.

I watch the people preparing the food as carefully as I can too.

Call me a paranoid tweaker if you wish LOL, but I dont trust them as far as I can throw them.

The only coffee I will drink is high quality espresso, or turkish coffee, and as for hash browns? not unless they actually HAVE some hash ;) in them ;D
« Last Edit: October 13, 2004, 06:54:29 PM by Limpet Chicken »


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Re:Fun political test
« Reply #14 on: October 13, 2004, 07:25:05 PM »
I used to be big in the specialty coffees, until I got poor. Now a plain ol cup of joe is fine for me... wakes me up to a degree. Enough to function in the morning anyways. Of all fast food joints, I think mcdonalds is one of the worst. I've become acclimated to burger king, because I guess its law that every single military post in existence has one, and its nice to have an alternative to mess hall food sometimes.

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