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Topic: Really fun water experiment: Boiling water freezes to ice in seconds  (Read 8171 times)

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While there is really cold outside (minus 25 Celsius), you might try this:

Take some boiling water, throw high up it in the air outside - And before it hits the ground, it has frozen to finely divided ice. You actually hears it cracks when it hits the ground.

I havent tried the experiment, but everyone is talking about the experiment when the winter really sets in. And this year there is no exception. Maybe this is a myth. Maybe not. What do you think?
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Re: Really fun water experiment: Boiling water freezes to ice in seconds
« Reply #1 on: November 12, 2006, 09:05:44 AM »
Funny experiment, I'll try it as soon as the temperature gets colder (this morning it was about -5 Celsius Dgrs but I'm sure it will get colder in the course of the winter)....maybe it is a myth, but it's worth to try.
Maybe you should eject the water our of a syringe as the created water drops are very small and so it might take only a few seconds for them to freezze...  ::)

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Re: Really fun water experiment: Boiling water freezes to ice in seconds
« Reply #2 on: November 13, 2006, 07:30:58 PM »
-25°C!!! (-13°F) That's cold. I think the key here is surface area to volume. Aluminum foil cools down really fast so I guess a similar principle probably. I'll give it a shot if it ever gets to below 0°F.
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Re: Really fun water experiment: Boiling water freezes to ice in seconds
« Reply #3 on: November 14, 2006, 04:57:12 PM »
-25°C (248 K) that's cold :-)
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