To reduce an imine to the secondary amine, what specific Pd or Pt catalysts are used? After reduction, what is the easiest way to remove the catalyst from the reaction mixture?
Also, what's the difference between the different borohydride-based reducing agents? If I decided to reduce using a borohydride reagent rather than using Pd or Pt catalysts, what's the easiest way to remove the borohydride reagent from the reaction mixture?
Thirdly, my compound also has a disulfide. If I use a borohydride reagent, the disulfide will be reduce in addition to the imine. Will the disulfide reduce if I use a Pd or Pt catalyst? Are there other reducing agents I could use which will reduce the imine but not the disulfide?
Lastly, can someone offer a detailed explanation why a secondary amine can be a better nucleophile than a primary amine? What are examples when this is the case and what are examples when this is not true? Thanks for all of your *delete me*