I like your idea, I thought of something along the lines of an ammo clip, but that I think would be a good idea, pre-built and sealed pressurised ammo cartridges, with the caps connected inside, that way, the charge of the weapon wouldn't be so severely limited integrally, only limit would be how many cartridges you could carry (and how many things you wanted vaporised of course
I had another idea too, would magnetic compression of the plasma be possible? I mean, using a powerful megnetic field to sort of collapse in on itself, compressing the plasma bolt and making it more dense, and probably make it hurt more, first, create plasma with initial starter arc, create the containment field then fire the second cap to give power to the plasma bolt, then, collapse the magnetic containment field to make the plasma dense as hell, then the EM for the propulsion would kick in and fire the now denser plasma bolt and fry some stuff to hell
I actually don't like the idea of an aqueous solution as the ionisation medium, I think something like either deuterium, or deuterium/tritium mix </grins> would be preferable, imagine, if you will, the D or D/T mix sealed into a canister, liquified under pressure, or even a smaller amount as gas under its own pressure, in something like a hairspray canister.
It could be done, perhaps, using something like deuterated/tritiated sodium hydroxide and aluminium to generate the gases, and store in pressurised canisters, maybe even stored in something like a small propane cylinder on the back, flame-thrower style, or small gass bottles that plug into the gun itself, like those gas canisters used in blow torches.