So I did my mock-expert-panel thing on Friday, and it sure was fun!
We started discussing the environmental impact of global warming, and the prof brought up the point that sometime, the situation may get so out of hand that we can't stop it, no matter what we do.
Then, as always with this type of discussion, someone brought up greenhouse gas emissions. People were all typical with the "Everyone needs to cut down, turn down your heat or walk instead of driving to the store...blah blah blah". Man I hate it when people say things like that. So I let 'er rip and said, "Why should I sacrifice my quality of life just to try to slow down something that might already be out of our control". did people get angry. It's amazing how people can be so self-righteous.
Anyways, I'm aware that reducing greenhouse gases should probably be a higher priority for governments, industries, and citizens alike...but the fact of the matter is no one's gonna do anything until they're forced to. So my suggestion is to stop whining, roll over, and take it.
Any comments?