I just didn't think anyone would be interested in what I had to say. But, I'll just answer the questions anyways here.
1) I initially started blogging to generate more traffic to Chemical Forums, because I still think Chemical Forums is a much cooler website than any silly blog. But, now I've ended up actually enjoying blogging and the sense of community between the other bloggers and frequent commenters. It is always fun to throw a post on my blog relating something I found cool in the literature, or about my research, or just something interesting chemically related I found on the internet. Plus, it is an addictive form of procrastination.
2a) Using my real name keeps me more honest, reflective, and judicious with what I write. Anonymous bloggers can get away with trashing a paper or ripping into a professor without the fear of reprisals, but public lynchings add little to the professional conversation when there are other ways to make the same point. My boss is vaguely aware that I have an internet presence.