What does it take to get over YOUR activation barrier?
I'm positive, you're negative, let's get together and make a compound!
If I could rewrite the periodic table, I would put Uranium and Iodine together, for U and I!
My favorite element is uranium, because I love U!
It's true that opposites attract. We're like an electron and a proton, we come together and now we're stable... and steady!
You want to see if we can make some new compounds from an "energetic" reaction?
You must be one of those new neon compounds with fluorine and iodine, because you are FINe!
If I were a Bunsen burner, you would be my flame, hot enough to melt a few things.
I got a charge out of bonding with you.
You make my atomic number rise.
You're so cool, molecules stop in your presence.
I have mass. You have mass. We’re naturally attracted!
Hey baby, I’ll lower your kinetic energy.
You make me hotter than sulfur hydroxide mixed with ethyl acetate
You can hydrolyze me anytime
You must be a good benzene ring, because you are pleasantly aromatic.
You're an electrophile and I'm a nucleophile, we're attracted and we can make each other happy.
You're an alcohol and I'm your ketone. I'll protect your from the Grignards of life.
And my personal favorite..
You are a photon quanta to my valence electron. You excite me to a higher energy level.