Holy cow do I feel like a train wreck today. It's weird, because it started all innocently. On Sunday evening I was sitting down watching the Pats/Colts game when I suddenly sneezed. Ever since that sneeze, my throat had been bothering me. I thought nothing of it and went to work yesterday. (I had to be at work no matter what yesterday as the CEO was giving a speech about the future of the company and there was a possibility that my site may get shutdown. Thankfully, that didn't happen and various other sites around the world were shutdown, but there's still a whole bunch of reorganization and redistribution of responsibilities that needs to take place. It was really a creepy day as you didn't know if you would be laid off or not, then when you found out you wouldn't you really didn't know how your job would change and how to deal with those who were laid off).
Anyway, as the day went by I started feeling worse and worse. I developed a headache, my throat really started to hurt, and my chest hurt when I took a deep breath. My neck and shoulder muscles ached, but I had no fever so I thought nothing of it. I woke up this morning, however, and felt like death. I went into work anyway since I have to be nearly dead to not show up for work, but my boss and everyone I work with said "Go see a doctor NOW!" I started getting a fever and was feeling woozy so I decided to listen to my boss and went to see a doctor.
At the doctor's office, they did the routine exam and decided to run some bloodwork. When the bloodwork came back, it showed that I was fighting a massive infection and was losing the battle badly. Based on the exam, the doctor said that I was in the early stages of bronchitis and managed to develop an inner ear infection and strep throat at the same time. They were going to run some cultures and get back to me on what the actual organisms are, but for now they were going to give me some potent antibiotics that work on the type of bacteria responsible for the conditions I now have. (In reality, what the bugs are don't matter as the same drug(s) is/are used on all of them). They also gave me some cough suppressants and pain releivers/fever reducers and a detailed letter stating that I should, under no circumstances, return to work at any point this week. I really don't need the letter, but with the number of infections I had the doctor said it would be a good idea to not spread this around.
Right now I feel like complete and utter crap. I'm a bit nauseous from all the bacteria leeching out of lungs and down my esophagus, and I can't stand up straight thanks to the inner ear infection. I just can't believe that I got three different illnesses at the same time. Damn. The ironic thing is, the medication I was prescribed is all medication made by my company so in a sense, my illness is helping us out.