Hi, I am too stuck on when and what substituents will be replaced. See:
http://www.chemicalforums.com/index.php?topic=13270.01. For the deactivating part:
Anyway, you mentioned that further chlorination will not occur. Do you mean it will not occur because chlorine is deactivating by withdrawing electrons from the ring? Then look at TNT, the nitro group is a strong deactivator. How now?
I think we can use catalysts and impose harsh conditions. For TNT, I heard they use oleum or a larger amount of concentrated sulphuric acid, and pre formed nitronium ion for reaction.
2. For the directing part:
Chlorine is o,p directing. The synthesis of 1,3-dichlorobenzene is rather complicated. I am sorry but I do not know how they do it in the industry. Surely, they have some route, but not that I know of.
Another suggestion is that perhaps we can use free radical substitution of Cl to attack the C on benzene and subsitute H. I am not too sure about the outcomes of the exact product though.