I've got a problem with calculating the efficiency of a phageinfection (Excision):
I take a single plaque (which carries unkown amount of Phages) and put it in 400µl suspension media and vortex it etc. Then i make 1:5000 dilution with a part of the solution and calculate the titer (titer = 6.10^5 pfu/ml).
Then i take another part (150µl) of the suspension and mix it with 200µl Bacteriasuspension + 400µl
"Nutrition media"
Now pfu (in 150µl) would be : (150µl/1000µl)x6.10^5pfu
Now i take some of this solution make 1:1000 dilution and plate the bacteria. I count e.g. 100 colonies. What is the efficiency now ?
In my opinion it would be:
100 colonies x 1000 (dilution) divided by pfu(150µl) --> is that correct?
Thx & Greets ,