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Topic: In doubt about yourself and chemisty?  (Read 6178 times)

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In doubt about yourself and chemisty?
« on: April 11, 2007, 07:14:04 PM »
Hi, im a junior in High School, and I completed my chemistry honors class with an A+. The class was so interesting to me I have decided that I want to work toward a degree in chemistry. So I decided to look around and try to learn chemistry. But when I saw how much more there is to chemistry I became overwhelmed with doubt about geting a degree in chemistry. After looking at the more complex chemistry it seemed like I would never be able to do that kind of stuff. But upon further reflection, knowing that I like to run before I walk(then trip and land on my face) , I am now going to break my learning of chemistry into small baby steps then and then work my way up. So for anyone else strugaling on whether or not chemistry is for you, don't do what I did and take gaint leaps, but to start from the bottom. It may seem like alot at first but im sure it will get easy on your way up. It almost like a pyramid. There's a large base of knowledge at the bottom, but as you assend in your learnings, chemistry will become easier to you and alot more fun. So to know if your like it or not, start at the bottom and then assend to greatness and achive those dreams that you've always had. It may be hard work, but if its for you, you will be paid back in full and much more in self confidence and happiness.  ;D

Good luck to everyone, hope your make your life what you always wanted it to be. ;)

Keith Ellis, Bootstraps
Like the elephant, we are unconscious of our own strength. When it comes to understanding the power we have to make a difference in our own lives, we might as well be asleep. If you want to make your dreams come true, wake up. Wake up to your own strength. Wake up to the role you play in your own destiny. Wake up to the power you have to choose what you think, do, and say.

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Re: In doubt about yourself and chemisty?
« Reply #1 on: April 11, 2007, 11:06:55 PM »
It may seem like alot at first but im sure it will get easy on your way up. It almost like a pyramid. There's a large base of knowledge at the bottom, but as you assend in your learnings, chemistry will become easier to you and alot more fun.

Agreed!  This final year of my Bachelor of Science in Chemistry has been amazing!  Nothing completely new is being taught to me.  My courses are pulling together what I've learned in the first 3 years, and tying it all together.  VERY convenient if you're feeling lazy ;)

It may be hard work, but if its for you, you will be paid back in full and much more in self confidence and happiness.  ;D

Yeaaaah.  And this goes for ANYTHING in life.  Learning to walk (like you mentioned), learning any new skill, or even meeting people of the opposite sex.  Sticking to it --> Results --> Happiness

Good luck to everyone, hope your make your life what you always wanted it to be. ;)

You have no idea how much I love reading this.  That's a damn wise thing for a High School Junior to say.  You want something from life, just get out there and TAKE IT!  The world is yours...

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Re: In doubt about yourself and chemisty?
« Reply #2 on: May 03, 2007, 04:51:13 AM »
I said the same thing to myself before I took organic.  It is undeniably overwhleming.

 Guess who wants to be in that field now?  :P

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