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Topic: Calculate Delta G and K  (Read 17660 times)

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Offline jaysup_2006

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Calculate Delta G and K
« on: April 14, 2007, 11:49:53 PM »
One reaction that occurs in human metabolism is below.
For this reaction  G° = 14 kJ at 25°C.
(a) Calculate K for this reaction at 25°C.
I edited the reation out, because I beleive it isnt important, since  G° is given I thought I use the equation G°=-RTln(k)..
Where my r=8.3145 J t=(273+25) and G°=14 kJ = 14000(-8.3145*298)=ln(k)..this should be right

(b) In a living cell this reaction is coupled with the hydrolysis of ATP. Symbolically, this reaction can be representated as
                                                 ATP(aq) + H2O(l)  ADP(aq) + H2PO4-(aq)
where ADP represents adenosine diphosphate. For this reaction G° = -30.5 kJ/mol.

 Calculate  G° and K at 25°C for the following reaction.
                        Glutamic acid(aq) + ATP(aq) + NH3(aq)  Glutamine(aq) + ADP(aq) + H2PO4-(aq)

I am totally confused by the second part, any ideas how I would attempt this probelm? I also added the equation from part a, because its relevent for this question, I think I have to calculate the delta H and Delta s values for each, but Is there a easier way?

Offline Yggdrasil

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Re: Calculate Delta G and K
« Reply #1 on: April 15, 2007, 12:57:15 AM »
One reaction that occurs in human metabolism is below.
For this reaction  G° = 14 kJ at 25°C.
(a) Calculate K for this reaction at 25°C.
I edited the reation out, because I beleive it isnt important, since  G° is given I thought I use the equation G°=-RTln(k)..
Where my r=8.3145 J t=(273+25) and G°=14 kJ = 14000(-8.3145*298)=ln(k)..this should be right

I assume you have a typo and ln(k) = 14000/(-8.3145*298)

(b) In a living cell this reaction is coupled with the hydrolysis of ATP. Symbolically, this reaction can be representated as
                                                 ATP(aq) + H2O(l)  ADP(aq) + H2PO4-(aq)
where ADP represents adenosine diphosphate. For this reaction G° = -30.5 kJ/mol.

 Calculate  G° and K at 25°C for the following reaction.
                        Glutamic acid(aq) + ATP(aq) + NH3(aq)  Glutamine(aq) + ADP(aq) + H2PO4-(aq)

I am totally confused by the second part, any ideas how I would attempt this probelm? I also added the equation from part a, because its relevent for this question, I think I have to calculate the delta H and Delta s values for each, but Is there a easier way?

If you have two reactions, you can add and subtract them in the following ways:

A + B --> E                ?G1
C --> F                      ?G2
A + B + C --> E + F    ?G3 = ?G1 + ?G2

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