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Topic: The living state in one variable; hydrogen bonding.  (Read 8858 times)

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The living state in one variable; hydrogen bonding.
« on: May 03, 2007, 07:20:05 PM »
If you look at the basic unit of life, i.e., the cell, hydrogen bonding is one thing that is everywhere. Hydrogen bonding is what helps define the properties and shapes of DNA, RNA, and proteins, as well as the most abundant material of life, which is water. There is an interaction between the hydrogen bonding of bio-materials and the hydrogen bonding of water. This has an important impact on local and global cellular integration.

The best place to begin is to look at the molecule, H2O. If we start with H2 and O2, all the H and O atoms begin with neutral charge, with each atom having as many electrons as it has protons. The covalent bonds add stability to each H and O pair, by offering better magnetic addition via the bonding orbitals, without adding any extra electrostatic charge (time averaged). The atoms and molecules  all begin with zero net charge.

When we react H2 and O2 to form H2O, the resultant molecule ends up with a slight dipole charge, with the O slightly negative and the H slightly positive. This reaction is highly exothermic. If you look at the H, it goes from zero charge as H2, to a slight postive charge, as HO, due to a net loss of electron density relative to H2. The net affect is that, although the reaction of H2 and O2 is exothermic,  the reaction is endothermic with respect to H, i.e., H is going from H2 to HO. The O, on the other hand, becomes slightly negative. Although the O is getting a slight negative charge potential it is becoming far more stable than it was as O2, due to the improved magnetic addition within its orbitals. As such, if you look at the dipole in water, even though it has equal and opposite charge potential, the orbital magnetic addition in the O is dominant. The net affect is that the potential is different for the H and O of water, with H carrying the primary burden of potential.

This distinction is subtle, so I am going to approach it from another angle. If we started with two charges, one positive and one negative, to separate these charges a distance d, will require energy to overcome the electrostatic attraction. In other words, any such charge separation would be endothermic. That is essentially what is happening when we form H2O from two neutral molecules; H2 and O2. Ironically, this reaction is very exothermic even though the separation of charge should be endothermic. Where all the energy output is coming from, is not electrostatic potential but magnetic potential. The magnetic potential of O is lowering, allowing O to form an endothermic charge separation, while still giving off a lot of energy. The H is the big loser. It has the same charge potential as O, but loses magnetic stability, relative to when it existed as H2.

A clearer example of this magnetic affect is looking at the relative strength of bases all containing -1 charge. If charge alone was the key, all -1 charged bases would be equally basic; F- would be as basic as OH-. This is not the case, because one also needs to take into consideration magnetic potential within orbitals, with relative magnetic stability defining the relative basicity of each -1 base. The theory of electronegativity is indirectly based on this magnetic affect, with more electronegative atoms able to accommodate more negative charge due to improved magnetic stability. The least electronegative atoms gain less magnetic stability, such that their charge potential will dominate the overall potential. The electronegative difference between O and H allows O to gain more stability than, which conversely implies H is less stable or at a higher potential.

When a H-bond forms it is exothermic. Although it is true the charge potential is lowered for both H and O, the O undergoes a win-lose situation. O may lower its charge potential, by forming a H-bond, but its partially loses some of the magnetic advantage, connected to why it took the extra charge in the first place. The H is in a win-win situation, in a H-bond, both lowering its charge potential and magnetic potential. 

This long winded analysis is key to understanding how the cell is integrated via hydrogen bonding. When one looks at hydrogen bonding one only needs to think in terms of hydrogen potential, i.e., H starts as the big loser and ends the big winner. As a first approximation, one can ignor O and N because they are initially magnetically stabilized and don't gain the same level of benefit from the H-bond as H. With H carrying the primary burden of potential and being the key recepient of the exothermic H-bond benefits, all H-bonds that are not optimized, contain residual H potential. i.e., slightly electrophilic.

The bias of tradition sees hydrogen bonds as composed of equal potential pairs of O--H and N--H. If one uses that assumption,  integrating the cell in terms of H-bonding makes little sense. But if you realiize, the burden of the potential and the advantage of hydrogen bonding is centered around H, the cell now has a way to amplify and distribute electrophilic potential.
« Last Edit: May 03, 2007, 07:28:34 PM by resonance »

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Re: The living state in one variable; hydrogen bonding.
« Reply #1 on: May 04, 2007, 07:43:48 PM »
When I first began to develop the idea of a cell in one variable model, I used the hydrogen bonding premise, without being able to prove it, to create a parallel analysis for the cell. Everything seemed to add up, with the analysis able to explain cellular hierarchy and many of the outstanding issues of why bulk events occurs. But at the same time, there was already a good practical analysis in place using chemical feedback, without requiring this secondary layer of potential. At first I saw it as a battle of philosophy. But later on, I finally realized that both worked together with one layer helping to define the other. The biomaterials set structural constraints for the hydrogen bonding in the water. But once the aqueous hydrogen bonding grid is established, pertubations in the grid can ripple through the entire grid, causing all the biomaterials to react to the pertubation in an integrated way. Water is cool because it can define any hydrogen bonding state. But it is fluid and unable to maintain a sustainable useful grid. The biomaterials are sturdy and are able to define a more fixed grid within the water. The fluid nature of water uses this fixed grid to conduct potential in an integrated way. 

Water is like a ragtag group, composed of all the talent needed to run a business (can form any H-bond potential). The bio-grid sets up an organization that can help structure this innate potential so it can work as a team with assigned tasks (potentials). As an organized team, the talent is now able to come up with integrated strategies. This thinking impacts the organization which structrually changes to help accommodate this vision, turning the fluid idea into a tangle product, i.e., new bio-materials. This places further structure on the team. The organization is not working in a vacuum. There are free market potentials, which set constraints for the team. The team can quickly react, which then pertubates the organization, with the resultant physical change in the structural organzation. This may or may not be relavant but the H is the fastest thing in water able to move 100 times faster than anything else. The conduction of H potential should even be faster whether H is moving in the continuum or not.

When you think in terms of evolution of life there was the ragtag water potential leading to a simple biomaterial response, i.e., nothing pretty or useful yet. This created structure for the local water and alterred the way the water could react to and transmit further potentilal, which further alterred the biomaterials, etc. The whole thing is driven with a dual goal in mind, which is to both amplify and minimize the hydrogen bonding potential at the same time. The dual goal is seen at the cell membrane with the outside positive to reflect the potential of the sun and the inside is negative to reflect the potential of the earth. It is not coincidental that the most advanced cells, i.e., neurons, have the highest cell membrane potential of all the cells. One may think this off base considering the importance of genetics. But you look at this, in terms of a cell's energy budget, the cell membrane gets the majority of the energy, with neuron membrane using up to 90% of the cell's energy to maintain this potential. It is obviously very important, but primarily to the needs of the water. The biomaterials create a grid with this background water potential. An interesting observation is that when cell prepare to divide the membrane potential drops. The new interior-exterior water potential alters the bio-grid resulting in the equilibrium changes needed to make two daughter cells. There is a lot of biochemical feedback but there are also two layers of potentials at work. But it is the speedy H getting there first to prepare the way. For example, if the nervous system decided we don't need a new cell just yet, and alters the external ionic environment, the speedy H will react, the biochem feedback will see this change, and put on the brakes. 

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Re: The living state in one variable; hydrogen bonding.
« Reply #2 on: May 05, 2007, 03:20:13 PM »
I am going to use a basic hydrogen bonding potential analysis to explain why DNA is a always double helix and why RNA is able to form a single helix. If you look at DNA and RNA both are very similar with respect to their monomer compositions. Both have a phosphate group, both have a pentose sugar, and both will hydrogen bond via organic bases.  There are only two minor differences. One difference is connected to the RNA having an -OH group on its pentose sugar at the same position DNA has an -H group. The second difference is connected to just the one of the four organic bases, with DNA having an -CH3 group where RNA has an -H group. These two simple differences account for the differences in secondary structure.

If you look at DNA and RNA in a cell, neither exist in a vacuum. In both cases ,they are surrounded by the universal solvent, water. To analyze DNA or RNA out of the context of water is a good first approximation but can lead to empirical results. If you include the affect of the shroud of hydrating water one can get much closer to the reality of the situation. Relative to the pentose sugars, the -OH group on RNA will lower the hydrogen bonding potential of the nearby water, better than the -H group on the pentose sugar of DNA, since it the -OH offers the aqueous hydrogen an O to share with. The net affect is that the -H group on the pentose sugar of DNA will increase the aqueous hydrogen bonding potential relative to the -OH group of RNA. The reciprocity implies that DNA will be induced to higher hydrogen bonding potential than RNA by being in water.

The -CH3 group on one of the bases of DNA is an organic group that will increase the surface tension in the local water more than the -H group at the same position on the RNA. It is like a slightly bigger drop of oil. What this organic surface tension does is force the H of lthe ocal water to be near an organic group where it can not effectively lower hydrogen bonding potential. The net affect is that this base on the DNA will induce more aqueous hydrogen bonding potential than the same  base on the RNA. The reciprocity implies that DNA will be induced to an even higher hydrogen bonding potential that the RNA. 

If we assume the bulk water is the dominant chemical species, it will induce both the DNA and RNA to assume orientations that minimize the bulk equilibrium hydrogen bonding potential. The DNA double helix is the best to effectively reduce the hydrogen bonding potential of the base pairs, while also hiding the inflluence of the -H of its sugar and the -CH3 of its base to minimize their impact on the water. With RNA there is less potential induction in the bulk water with the -OH group somewhat helpful to a further lowering potential, with a somwhat lower necessity to bury -H group on the base. The result is a little more variety including an RNA single helix.

In both cases, the phosphate group, which is a weak base, offers a way to lower the bulk aqeous hydrogen bonding potential. The water wants this on the surface. This is especially important for the DNA in that it can help compensate for any residual hydrogen bonding potential induction stemming from the sugar and organic bases of DNA, allowing the water to minimize hydrogen bonding potential.

Even of we had never seen these two macromolecules, one could have predicted this difference by simply looking at their impact on water and what the water needs to do to minimize its hydrogen bonding potential.

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Re: The living state in one variable; hydrogen bonding.
« Reply #3 on: May 06, 2007, 11:06:58 AM »
If you look at the cell membrane, ion pumping will induce the outside of the cell membrane to become positive and the inside to become negative. The positive charge on the outside of the membrane is higher than the average positive charge in the surrounding water because the Na+ concentration gradient with the inside of the cell, adds a chemical potential for extra Na+ to remain on the outside of the membrane. With respect to the exterior water the affect of this accumulated positive charge is to compete with the hydrogen of water resulting in the surface water defining higher hydrogen potential.

If you look at the food materials in the exterior water, these organic materials will increase the surface tension in the water, by forcing the hydrogen of water to come into contact with materials that do not allow it to lower its potential as effectively as within pure water. The overall push of the exterior water is to lower its hydrogen bonding potential. It can't do too much about the exterior positive charge, since the cell is constantly renewing this charge, but it can bulk lower aqueous hydrogen potential by reducing the surface area of the organics within the water, sort of a phase separation from of this emulsion-solution. The net affect is to push food material toward the positive exterior of the cell in sort of a phase separation. 

In other words, although positive charge does not attract neutral organic materials, both have the same impact on the water, but for different reasons, with both increasing the aqueous hydrogen potential. The water doesn't play favorites or see any distinction. Its goal is to lower hydrogen potential no matter what its cause. The way this is done is to lower organic surface area while also trying to disipate the positive charge. The combined affect will force defuse organics toward the exterior of the cell, while also trying to get rid of the positive charge on the surface of the membrane via cation pump reversal. This coordinate push is reflected by the active transport material into the cell. The cells constantly restores the membrane potential resulting in a continuous flux of organics being transported into the cell. The differentiation of transport has improved over time, but the water push is still the same.

Relative to the inside of the membrane, the slight negative charge has an impact on the cellular water, lowering the background aqueous hydrogen potential within the cell. Relative to the DNA this will slightly lower the hydrogen bonding potential of the DNA. The DNA will still form the double helix, but it is a liittle looser allowing helixal separation to occur a little easier, for the needs of transcription. Notice also with RNA defining lower hydrogen bonding potential than DNA, the global water potential will favor RNA on DNA instead of more DNA on DNA. This changes when the membrane potential lowers and the internal bulk aqueous hydrogen potential increases. The equilibrium water favors much more RNA and then the dupliication of the DNA.

If you look at the evolution of life, ion pumping at the membrane was very critical to the quickening of life, since this basic mechanism proviides a way to soften the genetic material as well as provided a way to increase the concentration of organic materials around the cell. The cell membrane potential due to ion pumping also brought something addtional to the table. The exterior positive charge has a high hydrogen bonding potential affect on the water just like organic material surface tension. The water sees no distinction such that the accumulation of positive charge can be treated by the water as high surface tension. The result in early cells, will be a push to divide large ion pumping membranes iinto smaller higher curvature, ones making more ion pumpers.

In other words, if we start with oil and water and added mechanical mixing, we can turn it into an emulsion. What we have done is increase the surface area of the oil, which is in touch with the water, increasing the aqueous hydrogen potential. This increase in potential is the result of the work we put into the emulsion, with stability often a result of surface charge.  There will be a push for this emulsion to break up to lower surface tension so it can lower aquoeus hydrogen potential. The reverse is sort of in affect when cells are in water, with their positive charge defining an impact in the surrounding water, loosely analogous to the work we put in to make an emusion. The water, in turn, will force the materials to define equilibrium curvature that is directly dependant on the positve charged on the membrane.  A good modern example of this surface tension affect can be seen in the Mitochondria. Their inner membrane where proton pumps are, looks like a folded ribbon because of the equilibrium induction of high surface tension caused by the hydrogen potential created by the proton pumps. In ancient cells ion pumping would cause surface tension folds that would then cause the membrane to bud, increasing the number of ion pumpers.

Modern cells have more variety of membrane proteins allowing a different constraints for cuvature as a function of exterior postive charge. The most interesting is nervous tissue. These cells exhibit the highest membrane potential. As such, one would also expect to see the highest surface tension and curvature affects. This is exhibited in the extreme curvature within all their little branches from which synapses will form. It is not the DNA that forms these branches, as it is the DNA providing the membrane materials that will make this equlibrium possible. The actual push comes from the water and is due to equilibrium hydrogen potential created by the membrane potential, with shape a function of membrane composition. When we include water and hydrogen potential, things that are matter of fact observation makes logical sense.

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Re: The living state in one variable; hydrogen bonding.
« Reply #4 on: May 08, 2007, 07:01:37 PM »
I would like to discuss intellectual property rights. What this means is that it is illegal to use someones elses ideas without the written consent of the owner of that intellectual property. I have tried to give an overview of this breakthrough innovation, which is going to make the first approximation obsolete in less than ten years. I have no problem with people using any of these ideas to ponder the possibilities or to prepare themselves for the change. But publication or even research that uses any of the ideas in this analysis, without permission, will violate intellectual properties laws. If anyone is interested in participating in the change, leasing terms can be arranged. I will be working on an introduction manual, which will also be available. I am not trying to advertise only to protect people from themselves.

If you look at cells, in terms of integrated H potential, with the biomaterials defining the positioning of the H potential, the H potential can be used to approximate the complexity of biomaterials. The net result is that will make cellular simulation very easy. In my research, I also discovered, the H analysis is holographic, allowing larger cellular groupings, like organs, to be simulated using the same basic schema. In other words, just as the cell is set up via a potential hierarchy between the DNA and the cell membrane, an entire multicellular organism follows the same type of schema. With respect to the human body, the primary H potential gradient is set up between the nervous tissue and the blood supply. Between this H potential gradient one can define any cell in the body.

The organ I enjoyed working on the most was the brain. If you look at a neuron, besides its cell body, it also has two basic types of branching processes, i.e., axon and dendrites. If one assumes the cell body is at X-potential, the dendrites by inputting positive charge or are the low H-potential pole of the neuron. The axon, by releasing positive charge, is the high H-potential pole of the neuron. The synapse connects one neuron to another, essentially interfacing the high pole of one neuron with the low potential another. There is a gap due to the two different equilibrium potentials. The axon sort of flattens out due to the lower potential dendrite slightly lowering its surface tension affect.

If one looks at any single neuron, there is a current circulation. Positive charge goes down the dendrite tubes. It then flows through the cell body and exits via the axon. On the surface of the neuron, there is a countercurrent flow that goes from the axon, along the exterior of the cell body and then enters via the dendrite. This exterior current is important in that it helps reset synapses since the rate of internal cation pumping can not always keep up with the demands of rapid firing. The neuron will make use of its own surface charge in times of need, with the neuron dipole keeping the flux in motion.

If you look at the brain it uses the same basic schema. The cerebral matter does most of the firing, with current net flowing into the body. This is especially important for mobility. The muscles are at lower potential, than the brain, such that background current is always flowing into the muscles, to create some muscle tension even during rest. Since the brain and the neurons have the highest membrane potential of all the cells and organs, there is also a potential set with all the organs of the body. The beating of the heart, for example, is due to the potential between the brain and the heart.

If we go back to the brain, the brain is rich in blood vessels. This low potential not only feeds the brain, but it also creates a constant potential gradient with all the neurons. The result is a net constant firing of neurons as reflected by brain waves. Whether one is sleeping or awake, the neuron firing beats the heart, which pumps the blood to the brain, which background fires neurons, that give current to beat the heart, etc. If the heart stops, the neuron firing will change the potential of the noncirculating neural blood (not refreshed) until neurons can no longer background fire. One can do chest compressions to circulate the blood, but unless there is enough nervous output potential other organs may not get enough output nervous potential needed to do their blood tasks. The result is, after so much time, the blood potential will increase until neurons can't fire.

This potential between the brain and blood, when all is working fine, causes net current to flow from the cerebral through the core of the brain, in route to the cells of the cells, with these cells also creating their own potential. Just like a neuron, complementing this forward brain current, is a backcurrent, which goes from the center of the brain back to the cerebral. The backcurrent from the body is often associated with sensory nerve impulses. But the backcurrent from the core of the brain, being high in potential, will create sort of an analogous axon type affect on the cerebral. The result is that the core backcurrent will increase the firing potential of the neurons. This is important because it creates the unconscious firing of neurons that will complement the more conscious firing of neurons. With the backcurrent smaller than the forward current, the result is the typical situation of the conscious mind being dominant with the unconscious more subtle. 

The potential between the brain and body creates a natural potential for neurons to fire. We consciously stir this need to fire, along the memory lines we see fit. In other words, the neurons need to fire, with or without us, but by conscious taking part, we focus the potential budget somewhat along the lines we see fit. The brain has a few tricks up its sleeve. There is a little area of neural mass called the hypothalamus near the core of the brain. It sits atop a series of glands which can be used to alter the blood potential. For example, in fight-flight, the already low potential of the blood can become lower with adrenaline, for example. This will increase the potential between the brain and blood, allowing more neural current for us to stir. This higher neural output is reflected in the heart beat increasing. After the situation, the body clears the blood, lowering the neural potential with the blood, resulting in lower neural output, slowing the heart. There is more than this going on, but that is the brain in a nutshell, using H potential considerations. The neural chems have the impact of tweaking the potential further allowing more subtleties such as emotions. 

The brain was fun to explore, but the most practical future use of the analysis is gradient potential of the lymphatic and immune system. It is the potential between the nervous tissue and the blood supply that sets the potential gradient that can explain the workings of the lymphatics system. An interesting observation, which tells us that the lymphatic system is relatively close to nervous potential is that baby neurons crawl with amoeba motion just like some of the cells of the immune system. These immune cells get turbo charge by the nervous potential. When they enter the blood, the low blood potential begins to shift them toward lower potential. This shift toward lower potential give them magic magnetic properties (not really magic). Their initial high potential also sets a gradient potential with lowerlife forms, like bacteria. In other words, the blood will push these cells to bacteria, since this composite state will reflect them lowering their potential, so it is more in line with the lower blood potential. When they return with their fresh kill to the lymphatic system, the nervous potential pumps them up again.

Cancer is much easier to approach with the H-potential analysis. My knowledge is pitifully small in this area, but a few basic observations are worth mentioning. When a cell undergoes the cell cycle to form two daughter cells, the membrane potential will lower. The nervous system potential runs counter to this needed exterior membrane change, whereas the blood potential is far more inviting. As such, the nervous system helps prevents cells from dividing too much by making it harder to lower the exterior potential. I sort of assume the brain knows best and will tweak the potential here and there to allow new cells, but only when needed. Cancer sort of stays in the cell cycle, implying the countering high nervous potential is not doing its job; maybe  local nervous branches are not working properly, allowing the blood potential to become too dominant in that area. Based on this simple consideration, In larger contained cancers, a possible strategy is to splice new nervous tissue and/or try to make nervous tissue grow into the cancer.   

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Re: The living state in one variable; hydrogen bonding.
« Reply #5 on: May 09, 2007, 07:35:29 PM »
The integrated hydrogen potential in a cell epitimizes the concept of the team spirit, i.e., team is greater than the sum of its parts. For example, in sports, all the players can be good, but when they come together as a team, each player is often able to go beyond themselves for the good of the team. Relative to the cell, one can take it apart, with every part still able to do its own thing out of the context of the cell. This is how science investigates the diversity in the cell, due to its complexity. But in the context of the team, the integrated hydrogen bonding becomes the team spirit that can push the parts beyond what they can do when they are separate. For example, the DNA has certain known capabilities. But in the context of the team, its has other capabilies. Sometimes it will sit on the bench, i.e., for the good of the team. In differentiated cells of the human body,  all the cells will have the same DNA. The DNA is under-utilized in each differentiated cell, using only part of the DNA's full capability. In other words, if the human DNA was being fully expressed, for example, within one giant cell, it could do anything any cell in the human body could do, but all at the same time. But for the good of the team, it won't play every position, at the same time as one giant cell. The H-coach will restrict its role, so the sum of the parts is even greater than one giant cell with full capability. The DNA is a highly precision machine and is not that sloppy, unless it is being restricted for the good of the team.

For example, if you look at the average nuclear family, there is the father, mother and children. The DNA of the father and the DNA of the mother are defined, yet the children can show a wide range of differences. In one family, one child may be the student, another the athlete, another may be sickly, etc., all from the same parental DNA. If the DNA was the ball hog, all the children would sort of look like clones.

The following is mostly speculation, without any proof, but is a logical extrapolation of the model. One way to explain such natural differences in children of the same parents is connected to potential gradients. Before fertilization, both the male and female gamete cells will duplicate the DNA, and then will half each of these two sets of DNA. The ovuum will extrude 3/4 of the duplicated DNA and keep 1/4 of the double DNA, i.e., half of one DNA. The precursor sperm cells divide until four sperm cells appear, each with 1/4 of the duplicated DNA, i.e., half of one DNA. Based on the differences in families, one might conclude that the dividing DNA in both sperm and the ovuum occurs in variety of ways. All sperm are not created equal with respect to the DNA. The same is true of the ovuum, with what is extruded and what is retained capable of variety. One possible way to explain this are potential gradients, with a gradient potential defining the equilibrium DNA distribution. I will come back to this shortly.  

After the ovuum is fertilized and divides it will eventually hook itself into the mother's blood supply. The mother's blood is her lower H-potential pole, and this temporarily becomes the low H-pole of the growing embryo. The embrotic DNA is designed to amplify H-potential to form its future nervous system and brain, with the blood potential of the mother setting up a resistance. As the potential difference increases, this increases the bandwidth. All the cells that differntiate are sort of like intermediate potential circuits that form a continuity of potential, as the bandwidth increases.

If you look at all the differentiated cells in the human body, these all have the same DNA. Yet by their differentiated nature,  each cell primarily uses a differntiated share of the DNA. Each cell sees an external gradient environment connected to the blood and nervous potential, as well as that stemming from similar cells. When steady state is reached, each differentated DNA will generate it own specific protein grid for the cytoplasm which displays DNA's differentiated functionality. This will add a type of protein memory capactance that complements the differentiated DNA. This protein memory capacitance, intergated to the DNA, will hold the DNA's differntiation steady during normal fluctuations in the blood and/or nervous potential. For the good of the team, changes are limited to the cell cycle.

Getting back to the male and female gamete cells, breeding behavior in higher animals is very energy intensive. There is a lot of emotional, hormonal and physical energy expended. What this essentially means, the brain is outputting a much higher level of H potential during the breeding season, into the body. Even the emotional turmoil of puberty implies the neural output has increased drastically, at sexual maturity, to where it becomes hard for consciousness to stir to all the neural output affectively. One possible conclusion is that this extra nervous potential, may be connected to the needs of gamete cell production and the gamete cell tweak, which results in the DNA dividing unevenly. The male is typically more dynamic, averaged over longer time frames, implying the sperm gradient may be a little higher.

I am overviewing to show the applications range. A more detailed analysis of the DNA and the cell hierarchy to the membrane can put it over the top.

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Re: The living state in one variable; hydrogen bonding.
« Reply #6 on: May 11, 2007, 06:30:00 AM »

Your post is interesting, but what's the point of all this?

What question does your post seek to answer?

Have u made a conclusion?

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