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Topic: Boiling point, vapour pressure  (Read 4556 times)

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Offline diablo

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Boiling point, vapour pressure
« on: May 05, 2007, 07:04:36 AM »


The enthalpy of evaporation of water (100°C) = 2250J/g
calculate (assume ideal behaviour):

a) vapour pressure at 100°C (Rault's law)
b) the boiling point under an external pressureat 1.013x105Pa  of a solution of glucose (M = 180) in 1kg water (apply ClausiusClapeyorn equation)

in both cases 50g Glucose in 1kg water

My calculation would be:

a)  Rault's law: PX = NX x PX
     NX = molefraction
     PX = Boiling point of pure Water

--> nGlucose . 0,27mol ( calculated with m/M = 50g/180gmol-1)
     n Water ...55,5mol (calculated with m/M = 1000g/18gmol-1)
     thus NX = nglc/nglc+nwat = 0,0048

and this put in Rault's law.... --> but how do iget the vapour pressure of pure water ( is it possible to calculate it with the enthalphy?)

b)  clausius-clapeyron- equation:

ln p =  -dH / (RxT) +C

then transform equation --> T = (-dH / (lnp - C)) / R

dH = 2250 J/g
p = 1,013x105Pa
C = 50g/L (Glucose)

are these calculations ok?^^

thx ,

Offline maakii

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Re: Boiling point, vapour pressure
« Reply #1 on: June 14, 2007, 08:24:44 PM »

My calculation would be:

a)  Rault's law: PX = NX x PX
     NX = molefraction
     PX = Boiling point of pure Water

a)For Raoult's Law, Px = Nx x P*x, where P*x would be the vapour pressure of pure water, and not its boiling point..

In this case, the vapour pressure at 100 degrees is P*x, which is obtained by knowing that at boiling, saturated vapour pressure is equal to                 ?

Use Raoult's law, and you can find out Px for 50g glucose in 1kg water at 100 degrees.

b)To get the vapour pressure of the solution in a), you can use The Clausius Clapeyron equation: after you integrated it you will get ln(p1/p2) = - dHvap/R (1/T1 - 1/T2) [sorry I don't recognise your form of the equation..] have got one set of p1 and T1 values, these values are at the boiling point. Then you have your p2 value, which is the value you calculated, sub these in, and you can find the boiling point

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