Hi, eugenedakin! Thanks for the response.
Actually, we don't really think that our plan to use absolute-rated filter will be our ultimate solution. But we consider it as an effective preventive to avoid unplanned stop of our sulfolane unit which is frequently occurs later years because of the fouling formation in heat exchangers. The foulant itself known that mostly consisted of corrosion product. There are some efforts that we have done, such as :searching for oxygen intrusion to the unit which will lead to oxidative degradation of sulfolane (and will formed acidic matter and solid matter that will lead to corrosion and degradation), make sure that all feed tank and sulfolane tank are properly blanketed by nitrogen, and reduced the antifoam chemical which can lead to solid formation (because of it is silicon-based). And FYI, our unit initially designed with 50 microns filter! And now, even we use 25 micron and 10 micron filter, the problem is still exist. The experiment to determine the solid particle exact size is still in progress.
Best Regards.