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Topic: Benzoylecgonine  (Read 5868 times)

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Offline piakia

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« on: May 15, 2007, 05:47:49 PM »
Need to know what 1.223 mg/L benzoylecgonine and 0.023 mg/L cocaine levels found in the body means.  Is it a high, low, medium level.  Please explain these results.

Offline enahs

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Re: Benzoylecgonine
« Reply #1 on: May 15, 2007, 06:35:09 PM »
According to the internet, a “positive test” for Cocaine is usually 0.3mg/L.

Some medical article I read said that it takes, on average, roughly 183mg/L to cause cardiac arrest, but obviously some people will be more susceptible.

I would consider it low, however, if this is a legal issue the any level might be considered to much.

I do not know the length of time cocaine stays in the human body, and what that means with regards to how long it has been since you (or whoever) had cocaine, etc.

Offline piakia

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Re: Benzoylecgonine
« Reply #2 on: May 15, 2007, 08:28:56 PM »
My question is bc my brother, who was 43, recently died and the medical examiner put this down as cause of death.  He also had a heart history, erratic heart beat and was on digoxin.  Yes, he did coke a lot.  sometimes a lot and always made it.  I'm wondering if this level could lead to somebody dying.  I guess it must have.  But was it just that this time was the last time.  I am positive he had MUCH more than that in his body at other times and didn't die.  Just looking for answers.  Thank you for your help.

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Re: Benzoylecgonine
« Reply #3 on: May 16, 2007, 02:20:48 PM »
I would call the medical examiner and ask him to explain it, in as much detail as you can. Sorry about your loss.

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Re: Benzoylecgonine
« Reply #4 on: May 16, 2007, 09:32:24 PM »
Sorry for your loss.

Try a forum search. We've had questions about cocaine tests and cocaine's metabolites in the past. You may be able to get some information out of the past topics.

Alternatively, do you think that it could have been possible another drug was also taken at the same time or present, and the coroner just didn't test for it?
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